

    A non profit organization with a primary mission to support and gather people living with multiple sclerosis, providing services not covered by insurance, such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, nutritionist support, psychological assistance, yoga/pilates classes and speech therapists, to those living with ms.

    A non profit organization with a primary mission to support and gather people living with multiple sclerosis, providing services not covered by insurance, such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, nutritionist support, psychological assistance, yoga/pilates classes and speech therapists, to those living with ms.


Do you know what ms is?

    multiple sclerosis is like living with a bad roommate. It often involves invisible symptoms and we’re talking about this so everyone can understand what we experience every day.

The role of art

    We recognize the power of art in building a strong community as its foundational pillar. We believe in a strong bond between neurology and art. Neurology delves into the intricacies of the nervous system. Art offers the medium in demystifying a complex condition like ms.

    We aim to engage in a discussion about disability and inclusiveness helping people with ms and those around them with comprehensive knowledge about the disease from experts’ voices.

WHAT WE DO IN ITALY  Iovivolasclerosimultipla (IVSM) was established in Italy in 2019 as an organization dedicated to raising awareness, informing, and supporting people, fundraising and promoting education.

WHAT WE’LL DO IN USA    Our core goal is to support and connect people living with multiple sclerosis playing a pivotal role for them, their families and friends.

Join us in making a difference through art and building a supportive community

JOIN THE MAILING LIST  Once a month we do a recap of all the most pressing topics by publishing the most useful information for our community. Sign up and start receiving e-mails with the latest news about our programme and activities!

STAY UPDATED  Follow us on our social media to be up to date on our activities. Join the conversation, listen to the voice of the experts and make yours heard.

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